ENTERTAINMENT!                     ENTERTAINMENT!                     ENTERTAINMENT!

Entertainment means an action, program,episode,event or activity which main purpose is to entertain,amuse and make interest any to an audience.

FORMS OF ENTERTAINMENT : There are various forms of entertainment.The popular forms of entertainment are given below -
  • Music- is the best form of entertainment.Music gives us much pleasure when our mind becomes gloomy.Music refresh our mind with it's magical tune,emotional sound or word.There are many instruments to enjoy music like radio,tape recorder,mp3 player etc.Radio is popularly used in the earlier era of life.In village Radio is most popular to the villagers.But it is very rare to all.Some rich villagers had Radio for there entertaining.All villagers gather to enjoy the Radio program in a selected place or come to that house where had a Radio.For the development of science Television took place of Radio.Because, from Television they can watch program and can listen too.These are the previous history of invention.But now we need not any Radio to hear music.

For the bless of modern technology we get Mobile phone with multimedia settings.With mobile phone we can Talk with others,enjoy Radio program,watching movie,play vedio games etc.

There are many many multimedia mobile phone in market. Nokia,Samsung,SonyEricsson,Apple,BlackBerry,I-Phone are some popular brand.

To download all Bengali mp3 music click here.
To download all Hindi mp3 music click here .
To download all Hindi mp4 music click here
To download all English mp3 music click here or click here or click here.
To download all English mp4 music click here or click here
  • Cinema-is a lovely entertaining method to general people.A synonym of cinema is film.
A film also called a movie or motion of picture               
or a series of still and moving images.It is
produced by recording photographic images.
with camera.Cinema is not only entertaining
but also educating.There are so many learning
instructions in cinema.Cinema is built from
various history of life.Cinema hall is a very
common place for film lover people.A film is built by the film industry.The popular film industry are "HOLLYWOOD" and "BOLLYWOOD".
To watch and download latest Hollywood movie click here  .
And for Bollywood movie click here  or click here .

To know all kinds of Hollywood and Bollywood entertainment news click here ....
  • Sport -is an another way of entertainment for all ages people.Sport makes a man physically strong and mentally refresh.This is very essential for all.A man can enjoy all forms of entertain from sports.

Children are so crazy about it.They like various kinds of sports like football,cricket,badminton,basketball etc.Football is very popular and more entertaining to all.Not only football but also cricket is also popular to young.

Others Sports are also enjoyable.Recently
we can notice that golf is becoming popular to rich people.

Bangladeshi children are very attractive to their desi sports like Ha-Du-Du,Kana Masi Vo Vo,Ekka Dokka etc.
To know sports news click here .

  • Live Entertainment- is so enjoy able and entertaining program for all.Various popular Bands or Acting team perform Songs,Drama,Acting,Comedy circus,Magic Shows,Puppet Shows etc for audience to entertain them.Drama,Acting,Comedy circus,Magic Shows,Puppet Shows,Jatra pala are some popular entertainment for villagers.

Live entertain may be live concert,live acting,live jatra pala(most popular to villagers) and any other live program which gives general people more entertain,more fun.
There are many institution who sale tickets for various live program.
Here some address are given below :                                                                                    
to contact with them click here or click here .

Video Game -is also a part of entertainment to young.Video game is very exciting enjoyable part of entertainment.There is a simple classifications of video games -
  • Casual games
  • serious games and
  • educational games                                  

You can download video games from online.Here some link to download various popular video games -
To download your favorite video game  click here  ......or   click here ..............

For more game click here ....